
Giddy about Halloween

2:55 PM

Halloween is my favorite Holiday.

I love that this holiday is all about fun, creativity and imagination.
I get so giddy to hear what the kids come up with for their costume choice. They always have very specific ideas, and always help with the making of their costumes.

I get giddy to hear the kids come up with ghost stories.

I get giddy when we watch a Halloween movie every Saturday night as a family.

I get giddy to make an ordinary dinner of Chicken Wings and Mac-n-cheese into something spooky like "Bat wings and brains."

I get giddy to see my kids sit down at the dinner table to draw haunted houses.

I get giddy seeing my Husband and the kids come up with the outdoor decorations.

I love that this holiday brings out the kid in everyone. It reminds us to use our imagination, to be whatever we want to be, and that life is one big exciting mystery.

Happy Halloween!


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