
Sweater Pillow

5:54 PM

I love this time of year. Fall is my absolute favorite season.

It's not hot, but it's not cold. The air smells good, the leaves are BEAUTIFUL, and everyone seems to have a warm happy energy.

I also like this time of year because I turn into a craft maniac!!
(Funny story about the term "craft maniac." I said that one time and my youngest son thought I said "crap maniac" and got all offended. It cracks me up every time I think of it. Maybe it's not that funny, but to me, it's HIL-LAR-IOUS!!)

Anyhoo, so this month I'm teaching a class for my church group on how to make fabric flowers. So I have been busy making samples of things they can make once they know how to make the flowers.

I came up with this super cute pillow.

I used an old sweater for the pillow. I LOVED that sweater. It was a cute camel color cowl neck sweater from Express. It met its doom in the dryer, and for some reason I still kept it. I guess I was hoping I could fit into someday, when I shrunk like a foot. So anyways, I cut it up and I LOVE it.


I added these cute fabric felt flowers, and it's one of my favorite things in my living room now.

And you know what? I almost like that sweater better as a pillow!


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