
Work it girl

2:43 PM

I set a New Years Resolution to work-out and eat healthier.

I started today.

Better late than never, right?

I sat down the other day to make make the family calander for the next few months, and I almost had a panic attack.

It's almost bathing suit season. It's almost time to wear shorts.

See every summer I feel like a huge liar. All winter long people tell me how tall and skinny I am. I smile and say thank-you, but I know that I'm really a fraud. I am the flabbiest skinny girl you'll ever meet.

But this year I want to feel good about myself. So, looking at the calander, I realized I needed to start today, so that in 12 weeks, it would be just starting to be shorts season. And I'm hoping I can wear shorts and NOT have elephant knees.

So I'm drinking lots of water. I am strength training, and walking. I would like to say running, but who am I kidding? I can't even go up and down my stairs to do laundry without being winded. I am counting calories and eating balanced meals.

I am looking for cute bathing suits too. You know, for motivation. I would love to wear a suit this year and not be a flabby. I don't care if I look like a super-model, I just want to feel good about how I look, and that means less flab.

So here is some bathing suit season inspiration!


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