
It's the most wonderful time of the year!

5:01 PM

No, it's not Christmas, It's FALL!!!!  I love fall!  I am so very, very, very giddy that is fall.

My favorite thing about fall, you ask?

Let's make a Giddy list of all my favorite fall things!

I get GIDDY about Halloween!!  I love decorating for it.  I have more Halloween decor than Christmas!  I love seeing what the kids come up with for their costumes!

I am GIDDY about Hot Chocolate.  The Hubby and I put the kids to bed and then he whips up some of his famous hot chocolate, and we sit, just the two of us, and talk and sip.

I am GIDDY when its time for General Conference.  I love having a lazy weekend as a family.  We watch conference together, bake, eat and hang out.

I am GIDDY for fall fashion.  Bring on the boots, the sweaters, the scarves, the leg warmers!!!

I am GIDDY for fall sports!  I love me some soccer and some college football.  GO DUCKS!

I am GIDDY for a new season of Vampire Diaries, even if truth be told, I haven't exactly finished last seasons yet! :(

I am GIDDY for baking!  I LOVE fall scents and tastes.  MMMMM!

What are you Giddy about!?

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