
Family Fondue Night

11:37 AM

I say I'm not a romantic.  But I think I kind of am!  I love my guy with all my heart, and I get so giddy when he shows me how much he adores me.  But, the last few Valentines Days it's been so hard to spend our day as a "couple."  We usually have soccer practice to get to, a dance class to teach, and homework to help with.  So we have started a new tradition.

We started a Family Valentines Date night.  We get a pizza for the kids, and they eat it watching TV, in the other room.  Jason will make him and I a nice romantic dinner of steak and lobster cakes!  (He knows the way to my heart!)  And then after dinner, we have Family Fondue Night!

We make Chocolate Fondue with all the fixings!  Shortbread, Pound cake, Pretzels, Heart-shaped Marshmallows, Raspberries, Strawberries, and Bananas.  We sit around candles and we share a yummy treat, and we take turns telling everyone why we love each other.  It's one of my favorite traditions.

We feel it's important to show our children how much my Hubby and I love each other.  We make sure we do date nights, and that we hold hands and cuddle in front of our children.  We want them to know what a loving healthy relationship looks like.  We also want them to know how much we love them.  How our family only works because of the love and respect we each have for one another.  I love taking this night and focusing it on how much our family loves each other and how important it is to show it.  Not just on this one day, but everyday.

I love that we turned our Valentine's Day into a family day of love.

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