
What's the Agenda? Favorite Planners and Calendars

2:26 PM

I don't know about you, but for me, back to school means time to get organized.  I have a busy family, just like you do, and the only way for me to keep track of everything is to write it down.  I have tried and tried to keep organized on apps for my phone, but truth be told, I am a paper and pen gal.  Even when I'm writing my book, Sweet Me: The Workbook, I would rather use pen and paper than my computer.  I love pretty pens and pretty stationary.  I have a weakness for pretty paper.  I haven't scrap-booked in YEARS, yet, I still cannot resist buying new scrapbook paper!  It's a problem.  I should probably seek help.

And speaking of help!  I need help choosing which planner to get.  Leave me a comment and tell me which one YOU would choose.  I have an exciting year coming up, and I want to live life to the fullest, and I know with one of these fancy planners, I can keep everyone and everything running it's course.  Well, that's the plan anyways!

And while your at it, check out these totally stylish desk calendars.  I think I may have found my new obsession.  How cute would these be set up on an easel on your desk?  I am totally going to have to add one of these cuties to my new office re-do.  Which one do you love?

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