
Back to School, Back On Track

3:50 PM

Back to School, Back on Track
The Daily Sweet, By Hollie

           I have to admit, I always have mixed emotions with the start of a new school year.  As summer days come to an end, I quietly mourn the end of late nights playing outside and lazy mornings spent cuddling with the kids.  I love the freedom of not having to make plans.  We can just wake up and decide to go to the zoo or the water park or take some spur of the moment road trip. Or, we can simply do nothing at all and spend the day relaxing on the hammock and jumping on the trampoline.  As much as I love our carefree summer days, by the end of our 3 month school break, I start to crave a routine.  I actually look forward to schedules, practices, after school activities and order.  I am usually quite organized at the beginning of the school year.  I have to be, there’s too much going on to not plan ahead.
                There are a few things that help get me back on track and in the groove.  I really enjoy making lists…grocery lists, to do lists, goal lists, meal planning lists, birthday lists, etc.  You name it and I’ll list it.  There’s so much satisfaction that comes with being able to cross something off my list.  I’ve even been known to write things down that I’ve already done just so I can check it off and feel accomplished.  I also like wearing aprons.  More specifically, my chili cook-off champion apron.  I feel so Bree Van de Kamp-ish in my apron (minus all the scandal, of course.)  I love the idea of being a domestic diva, although this doesn’t always come naturally to me.  But with my pen & paper in hand and apron around my waist, I feel like I can conquer all the chaos that comes with the new school year.  So here’s to another nine months of carpool lines, homework checks, after school snacks and scheduled bed times.  We can do this and make it sweet!

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