
Sweet-Me Christmas, Day 7 - Deck the Halls

6:00 AM

Every year, I like to add a little to my Christmas decor.

But in order to do that, I also like to get rid of a few things that no longer fit my taste.  I go through my Christmas bins about a week before I want to start decorating.  I gather the things I want to give away, and then I find a Single Mom to give them to.  I did this a few years ago with a dear friend of mine when she was going through a divorce and didn't have any Christmas decorations, and then we both decided that every year after that, we wanted to continue the tradition.

After I decide what I can do without, I make a list of things I need.

Do you need another string of lights?
Is your tree still hanging in there?
Do you need more ribbon?

Make a list of things that need to be replaced or fixed and then make a short list of a few things you want to add this year.

Don't just think about the tree!  If you feel satisfied with your tree decor, and don't need to add to that, then start adding on to another part of your home.  Your entry, your porch, a guest room, your kitchen.

Little touches around the house don't have to cost a lot or be a big effort.  Just add a ribbon, a bell, candles, decorative pillows or towels, or some twinkle lights to add Christmas cheer to your entire house.

This is from a few years ago.  Just little touches to my home made a HUGE difference.

Another fun thing I like to do is get little trees for my kids room so that they can decorate how they want.  This year I am hoping to get one for my room too!  I love the idea of little themed Christmas trees.

Here are a few of my favorites.  I found them all on Pinterest.

 Danced Themed

Candy Land

 Disney Tree

Sports Tree

The options are endless!  What themed tree would you like to see in your house?


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