
Sweet-Me Christmas - Day Two - Making a List

6:00 AM

Day 2 :  Making a list, and checking it twice!

For most of us, the organizing of the giving of gifts is the most stressful part of Christmas.  We have lists and lists.  Tons of ideas.  Sizes, colors and likes.  We have immediate family to gift, we have extended family to gift.  We have teachers, neighbors and co-workers to gift.  If we are not careful we can forget someone or something!  

That is why I like to keep a Christmas planner with me at all times!  Seriously, it fits in my purse and I take it with me everywhere.  I don't know how I could get through the season without it.  I look over it before I head out for the day, and then each night, I check off things that I bought, and things I still need to get or look for.  I am a list girl, and I LOVE seeing things checked off, so for me this is a life saver!
This is the one I made for this year.

I got the idea years ago from the girls at eighteen25.  Go check them out.

Some helpful reminders when you are making your list:
*  make a grand list first, with the names of every person on your list
*  get as much info for gift ideas as you can (size, color, teams, hobbies, etc.)  this way you have more to work with 
*  divide your grand list and jot down gift ideas for each person (My kids usually have a whole page for their list)
*  highlight the gifts you decide on getting
*  check off items as they are purchased
*  don't forget teachers, co-workers, neighbors
*  I like to keep a non-specific gift or two wrapped and ready to go in my coat closet, for un-expected visitors.
*  don't forget the STOCKING STUFFER LIST (I'm usually making a mad dash scramble on Christmas Eve, but last year I discovered a way to help with this.  I got a paper bag for each stocking and starting putting things as I got them in the bag, that way I knew what I had, and if I needed more, or if I was good.  Remember, stockings are not that big!)

And today we have a fun giveaway!  Just leave a comment on THIS blog, and you can win a Holiday Planner that we made, to help you get organized this Christmas!



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