
Thanksgiving Printable

6:53 AM

I love Thanksgiving Decorations.  They are so warm and cozy.

This year I added a gold accent to all my Thanksgiving Decorating.  It gives it that touch of whimsy and class at the same time.  I painted my dollar store pumpkins gold with spray paint and just placed them in random places to add "fall" to my home.

One of my favorite things to say to the kids, ALL year long is "There is ALWAYS something to be THANKFUL for."  I truly feel like if I can teach them that, they can conquer the world.  I want them to know that they are loved, and have been given so much by our kind Heavenly Father.

I also love this quote, "The spirit of gratitude brings true joy and great happiness!"  By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.   I want my children to know that the only true way to feel happiness is to be thankful for what they have.  What a comforting blessing.

This Thanksgiving Printable is an 8x10 and it's yours to download for free.  If you download it, please leave me a comment and tell me one of your favorite Thanksgiving quotes.  I love collecting quotes, and maybe I'll make a printable of your favorite.



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