
Family Pictures

10:39 AM

I know it seems a little early, but it's time to think about Holiday Cards. I know that most of us like to send out a holiday card with your family picture. Who doesn't like to show off their cute little bugs? So today we need to think about family pictures.

Family pictures are always a good news, bad news topic. Good news: you have proof that your family can sit still and look pretty for a second. Bad news: It took a lot of fussing to get that shot.

Being a part-time photographer I can honestly say that having someone else take your family pictures is much, much easier than trying to do them yourself. I have done both. I figured, "Hey, I am a photographer, I will just take our pictures with the tri-pod." And then this year I had another pro take our pictures, and I have to tell you, COMPLETELY different experience. The kids had fun, they were relaxed, and our pictures look more natural with the pro. Plus, I don't have to run back and forth from my tripod to my family in my heels!!!

Hopefully you already have your photographer booked, because this is their busiest time of year. If not, go ahead and call and beg, because a nice family picture will be your favorite Christmas present.

My friend Jamie Hutchings, from Arizona, met me and my family in Las Vegas and took our family pictures this year.


We love them. Go check her out. She does amazing work, she is so easy and fun to work with and she does a lot of work for the F.I.L.M. Project.

This is from years past with my handy dandy tri-pod.


Here are some tips if you have to resort to the tri-pod.

1.) make sure everyone is in a good mood.
2.) group the family tight, but make sure you save room for you to run back too.
3.) focus your camera, and get all the setting correct before you set the timer.
4.) good luck, and run fast!


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