
Flower Wreath

3:06 PM

I saw a black rose wreath at Target for Halloween that I just loved, but I was too cheap to pay the $30 for it. So I decided to come up with one of my own.
It cost $6!

I bought 4 pieces of black felt, a wreath at the dollar store, and a spool of black ribbon for $3. I love me a bargain!!

I hot glued the black ribbon all around the wreath, then I made a ton of the posy flowers to glue on.

I love it!!

Oh ya, I also made that adorable lace covered pumpkin.
I cut the bottom of a lace pair of stockings and then fit it around the pumpkin and hot glued it neatly around the stem.

You could make these wreaths for LOTS of different holidays!!!
So fun!


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